Good morning authors and welcome to 2024. Whether you strutted or stumbled out of 2023, the turning of the year always seems to bring a breath of fresh air, of new ventures and a small boost of hope. It's fresh fallen snow, just waiting for you to pounce and frolic. Traditionally, many of us set goals for the new year, big and small. We enter the year with big expectations of ourselves and it is all too easy to heap too many expectations. It is also easy to make grandiose goals, and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with making those goals, not achieving them often leaves us feeling deflated and disappointed in ourselves instead of reflecting on what we did achieve. So going into the new year, here is something to keep in mind.
It's 2024: Resolutions and Mindfulness
Why do so many of the resolutions we make fail? Are they truly grand or is more about the sacrifices we are not prepared, unwilling, or unaware of that hinder our progress. Whether your goals center around personal improvement, creative output or manifesting big changes, every change requires either time, energy, or money. Sometimes it requires all three.
Pushing for a greater creative output requires a sacrifice of time and energy. It requires us to restructure our day to make a space for that creative output. The act of personal improvement, whether it's upholding a better schedule or being kind to yourself, requires time and energy and a willingness to shift priorities.
If we are mindful of those demands, and willing to feed our resolutions the personal resources needed to make that shift, then those lofty goals and resolutions are definitely in reach. So go out there and manifest those big, bold, brave goals, authors. And whether you made it a resolution or not, remember to be kind to yourselves.